Forty Percent Leadbelly (Notes)

When transporting Dr. Brutaloff, it is relevant to note that the prison at the start of the show resembles Foucault’s idea of the Panopticon and so reinforces the security apparatus of the future. 11-Worth Variable-Security Prison. I’m not a math nerd so I don’t understand this. If you do, comment below. Planet Express is also a…

Naturama (Notes)

TV of the Future: Mutual of Omicron’s Wild Universe. (It’s a nature show funded by the Omicronians; Earth is described as a “primitive backwater.” This perhaps accounts for why it is so easy to invade and take over and why Earth has such a massive defense budget and invades other planets– it’s a dick measuring…

Viva Mars Vegas (Notes)

Binks Armored Security: yet another instance proving the Futurama and Star Wars universes are one in the same. I guess the technology of the future enabled that “galaxy far far away” to become accessible. (Fun Fact: I prefer the prequel films over the original trilogy. Yes, I am a heretic.) I want to say that…

31st-Century Fox (Notes)

Fun Scene: early in the episode when they are trying on uniforms, Fry is wearing a Star Trek uniform. We know from previous episodes that Star Trek is merely a property but Star Wars appears to be legitimately set in the same universe (numerous examples, such as the professor saying “Ow– the Jedis are going…

Near-Death Wish (Notes)

The Clippie Awards: rewarding the “most promising delivery boys.” Obviously a local ceremony, one has to wonder what organization does this since it involves both children and adults. Yet, the ceremony has an intergalactic impact since the robot on the Near-Death star knew who Fry was when he presented his award. Labor unions of the future are…

Gaming While Trans: Identity and Videogames (Counter-Coup!)

(Hey! Sorry everyone for taking so long in getting this episode of Counter-Coup! up; I was busy with school and even though I actually had it completed last summer (!), I kept on deluding myself that I would add audio. Yeah, unfortunately, I don’t have the time or patience right now to add audio but…

Free Will Hunting (Notes)

The crux of this episode revolves around Bender and whether or not he has free will. Though the episode does involve existentialism to the degree that Bender can not– technically– find meaning in a meaningless world (so he cannot live in existential Despair or Dread), the episode’s deeper function should actually be on (universal) rights (as…

Fun on a Bun (Notes)

The professor appears to be in one of his odd moods at the start of the episode. He thinks that the crew is working too hard, despite just sitting around eating nachos while Bender colors (?), and decides to take everyone to Oktoberfest (when it transpires). It is a weird start. In the years between…