Gaming While Trans: Identity and Videogames (Counter-Coup!)

(Hey! Sorry everyone for taking so long in getting this episode of Counter-Coup! up; I was busy with school and even though I actually had it completed last summer (!), I kept on deluding myself that I would add audio. Yeah, unfortunately, I don’t have the time or patience right now to add audio but…

“Stay Alive” with Audio Commentary

(A new series I am starting; I love going through the director’s commentary on movies, so I thought I would share brief thoughts on each track and give the down-low on whether they are worth your time. Also, expect each entry in this series to take license with the movie title.)   Stay Alive is a…

“Literary Gaming”: at the Intersection of the Future

Over the past couple of weeks, I read Astrid Ensslin’s book Literary Gaming. Concise, theoretically dense, and neophyte are all words to describe her project; but, more to the point, they are words which in this case do more than describe, they outline the future of the Humanities. Ensslin’s book is concerned with that intersection of…

On Gaming: A Revolutionary Perspective on Modern Gaming

This was the second major piece I had written for the now-defunct Kasama Project. I enjoyed writing this piece since it enabled me to come further into textual criticism at a time when it was still new to me. The piece deconstructs the reactionary, and sometimes progressive, elements of modern video games while positing a…

Futurama: The Lost Adventure

Included as a bonus feature on the DVD to The Beast with a Billion Backs, this so-called “Lost Adventure” is a series of cutscenes spliced together to create a makeshift element; cut scenes, you say? Yup. These cutscenes are taken from the Futurama video game of the same name from the early 2000s. As revealed…

Reviewing Stardew Valley

Stardew Valley is a work of art. Crafted with care by its sole creator over the course of several years, it is a game which reminds us of what can be done when we set our mind to something. At its core, Stardew Valley is a farming simulator. You, an overworked corporate drone who comes…

The Guild (Series review)

What do you think of when you hear “internet TV show about Gamers”? Probably something like, “NEEERRRRRRRDDDD!!” And you would be right: The Guild, originally an internet drama which premièred in mini-episodes, but not a Netflix available program, is about a bunch of socially awkward gamers who, after an emergency involving a renegade member, meet…

Beyond the (Literary) Pale

Like most young people, I had an aversion to reading. It was a bore, a drag. In short I didn’t see the value in it. I could persevere through school assignments but only with the diligence of a military man. I certainly would not, even if I were paid, read outside of school not recreationally….

The Intergalactic Empire of Me

Some people remain enamored with a single genre all their lives. Not me. I enjoy swinging from place to place. Case in point: after I exhausted fantasy of its devices, and many, many princess, I hopped on a space shuttle to hurl myself into outer space; those vile aliens won’t kill themselves, after all. I…

Stay Alive (2006)

Video games are quite popular. They are enjoyed by persons of all ages throughout the world. From fantasy to sci-fi there seems to be something for all. So one would believe that a movie revolving around a horror video game would be great, right? Of course, except of course when that fictional video game turns…